7 Apr 2012

Bonjour amigo. The best part of my first semester of semi-adult life is just about to begin!

Sometimes I wonder why I get myself into things and then wonder what in the world I got myself into because (in case I haven't updated you recently) I'm joining a debate!!!!! That's crazy!!! Because I've never debated in my entire short life!!!! And now I'm going up against the pros. I mean, what am I thinking??? Am I even, you know, thinking?!! I have a feeling I'm going to get trashed. :P But I hope to have a little fun lah... it's not like anyone will remember me anyway haha.

Apart from that, I begin work at the SSPCA as a volunteer tomorrow! It's a once (or twice or thrice if I can make it) a week thing. I never thought I'd be able to say "Hey, I work at the shelter" HAHAHA. So for now my days are pretty packed with interesting stuff. I don't know about you but I think this is gonna be one terrific ride.